Modular Roads


Publisher 600
File size 25.98MB
Number of files 152
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-07-12 01:44:27
First release date 2015-07-07 06:13:59
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
- 50m x 50m tiles (23 pieces)
- Roads with lanes 1+1; 2+2; 1+2 transitions
- Straight, Turn, T & X Intersections
- Roundabout, Ramp, Overpass
- Barriers, Lanterns, Traffic Lights

- Separate Mesh for road
- Unity NavMesh static, ready for Baking
- Colliders (Unity and Mesh-Convex)
- 4096 px UV textures
- Prefabs with and without sidewalks

Can upgrade to Modular Traffic

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