Publisher Krishna Palacio
File size 354.92kB
Number of files 187
Latest version 1.1.1
Latest release date 2023-01-18 09:22:28
First release date 2021-12-22 09:51:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

★ Key Features ★

  • Tiles, props and two fully animated characters!
  • Make levels fast with pre-configured Tile palettes, Sprites, and Props!
  • Use of Minifantasy rule tiles to speed up your level design.
  • Swap quickly between prop variations in the editor.

★ Assets ★


  • Floor tiles, including cracked variations
  • Wall tiles, including mossy and cracked variations
  • Doorway and door tiles
  • Spike trap tiles


  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Banners
  • Jars
  • Crates 
  • and more!

Animated Props

  • Wall Torch (with animated light)
  • Candle (with animated light)


  • A Human hero with 7 animations (idle, walk, jump, attack, charged attack, damaged and die), in four different directions
  • An Orc enemy with 7 animations (idle, walk, jump, attack, charged attack, damaged and die), in four different directions


  • Shadow sprites for:
    • Wall tiles
    • Doorway tiles
    • Props
    • Characters

★ Details ★

  • The Demo scene uses the old input system to move the camera.
  • Rule tiles require the Tilemaps 2D Extras (preview) package.
  • All tiles come in (8x8px) resolution.

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