Mini-Games from Space!

Publisher Kittens and Elves at Work
File size 4.97MB
Number of files 65
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-01-29 07:43:36
First release date 2015-01-29 07:43:36
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A simple game that revives the feel of the old handheld games.

You can choose what game you want to play: killing enemies in Space War, or rescuing astronauts in Space Rescue.

This is a complete game with fully commented scripts in C#.
In this game you can see how to:
* Use the new UI from version 4.6
* Work with global data through Persistent Singletons
* Use object pooling to prevent performance loss.
and the basics of 2D games:
* Sprite movements
* Collisions
* Play sounds
And use only one scene to show all the game screens.

A small description of each part of the game is presented in a PDF document.

For this tutorial you need a basic knowledge of C# and the Unity version 4.6.

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