Mine Props Pack

Publisher 74 Creations
File size 376.54MB
Number of files 187
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-04-23 05:43:09
First release date 2019-04-23 05:43:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package contains 29 unique assets with at least 3 LODS each with collisions.

Tools used in mining operations ( Axe, pick axe, pick axe hammer, saw, air-water driller, carbide lamp, crate (+ color variation), explosives box (+ content variations), dynamite sticks, shovel, garden how, dynamite detonator, wheel barrow.
Environment Assets (Elevator, chains, wall lamp)
Miners gear and eating utensils ( Bottle, bowl, lunch box)
Pipes (long pipe, curve , intersection, cover and valve, + color variation)
Railway pieces and coal wagon ( long railway, curve railway, coal wagon)

Texture Sizes
2048x2048 - 54
1024x1024 - 9

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