Medieval Character Pack

Publisher Gareth Lockett
File size 189.68MB
Number of files 269
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2014-10-08 08:49:03
First release date 2014-08-26 06:45:02
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
The Medieval Character Pack (MCP) is a collection of game-ready character models and animations inspired by the European Middle Ages.

The pack includes:
- 5 single skinned mesh characters (2,900 to 3,900 triangles each)
- 3 interchangeable shield models (With 5 designs)
- 4 interchangeable weapons
- 11 basic animations (Block, CrossSlash, Crouch, Death, Idle1, Idle2, Run, Slash, Strafe, Walk1, Walk2)
- 2 material type set ups (Reflective/BumpSpec and Mobile/BumpSpec)

New in version 1.1:
- 5 single skinned villager characters (Blacksmith, Child, Merchant, Monk, Noble Woman)
- 10 new weapons (1 Axe, 3 Hammers, 2 Maces, 4 Swords)

All materials are set up as Allegorithmic Substances to allow customization.
Textures are supplied at 2048x2048 pixels in TGA format.

For more information and video check out the forum page or MCP web page
Or email questions directly HERE

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