Medieval Cemetery - Full Pack


Publisher Mixall
File size 805.29MB
Number of files 173
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2020-10-29 12:48:15
First release date 2016-08-16 10:21:22
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Big medieval cemetery pack for your horrors and other games

Pack includes:
- church + interior 16.4k tris
- 3 cofiin ( include skeleton ) 12.4k tris
- 9 grave 2.2k tris
- crypt 2.9k tris
- statue Angel ( old textures and new tex ) 2.3k tris
- statue gargoyle ( old textures and new tex ) 1.7k tris
- stone fence and gate 19.4k tris
- stone well 3.2k tris
- ground textures
- dark tree 2.5k tris

all models have PBR materials.
textures size:
1024 x 1024 (12)
2048 x 2048 (46)
1096 x 4096 (3)
each of the assets, you can find in my profile! If you have any questions, write me: [email protected]

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