Managers Framework

Publisher Bacchus Space Station
File size 102.42MB
Number of files 84
Latest version 2.2.3
Latest release date 2024-11-28 02:08:15
First release date 2024-11-28 02:08:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Managers Framework is a Singleton-based Master Manager with all commonly used managers beneath it including the Audio Manager, Player Manager, Camera Manager, UI Manager, Game Manager, and Scene Manager. These managers are all setup out-of-the-box to provide their core functionality and be expanded upon. Skip writing the common managers, startup scenes, and common UI elements and jump right into working on your next idea!

Built on Unity 6, URP, and Cinemachine 3

Master Manager

The Master Manager allows you to access any manager anywhere in your project and is quickly and easily extendable. Access the provided Audio Manager, Player Manager, Scene Manager, Game Manager, UI Manager, and Camera Manager anywhere in your scripts.

UI Manager

The UI Manager allows you to control all UI elements at a high level. Designed to be expandable, you can continue adding UI elements using the prefabs included. The UI Manager comes with a Title Screen template, an options screen, and an in-game menu screen. Each screen has it's own View and Controller scripts.

Player Manager

The Managers Framework Player Manager includes player controls, a spawning method, and a ready-to-go player prefab. The player prefab has a customizeable controller and model placeholder ready for the player model of your choice.

Audio Manager

The Audio Manager allows you to upload music and effects, play from anywhere, and control Audio Source options. Expand with as many audio clips as you need and easily customize the scripts to fit your specific project.

Scene Manager

The Scene Manager gives you methods for customizing each scenes loading code individually or globally, as well as custom callback methods to execute once the scene has been loaded.

Game Manager

The Game Manager provides you with top level methods controlling the flow of your project as well as the gamestate object which tracks important changes during runtime. Add properties you need as you go and access them from any script.

Camera Manager

The Camera Manager utilizes Cinemachine 3.0 and gives control between the Game Camera and all of your Cinemachine Cameras. Control the Title Screen Camera and Player Camera out-of-the-box as well as utilizing custom code on camera activation and deactivation.


Also included are commonly needed assets pre-configured and included in the sample scenes such as the player prefab, Title and Game Settings UI templates, Cinemachine cameras, spawnpoints, scene changing colliders and more.

For more information view our full guide here!

3rd Party Licenses:

Asset uses two music files under the CC-BY License: "SongoftheWanderers_Savfk@youtube" and "TheDroneWatchingSociety_Savfk@youtube"; 

see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

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