Make Me Small!


Publisher furaga
File size 3.91MB
Number of files 40
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-01-18 06:09:23
First release date 2018-01-18 06:09:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Simple image downscaling methods for Unity textures2d.


1. Subsampling
2. Box downscaling (= Average filter)
3. Bilinear
4. Bicubic
5. Gaussian (5x5)
6. Perceptualy based donwscaling
[A. C. Oztireli et al., SIGGRAPH 2015]
7. Content-Adaptive Image Downscaling
[J. Kopf et al., SIGGRAPH Asia 2013].

Perceptualy-based donwscaling is slow, but would produce best quality when you downscale real-world images.

Content-aware downscaling is extremely slow, but would produce best quality when you generate a pixel art by donwscaling a cartoon image.

All of them are implemented in C#.
It does not use shaders nor materials.

How to use

1) Import MakeMeSmall.unitypackage

2) If you want, just open the following demo scenes to see demonstrations.

- Demo/Scenes/1_Simple
You can run downscaling methods by clicking buttons.

- Demo/Scenes/2_FileConverter
You can load a PNG image on your disc, downscale it, and save the downscaled image on your disc.

- Demo/Scenes/3_FolderConverter
You can downscale all PNG images in a folder.

3) To downscale a texture in your C# script, just do like:

Texture2D outputTexture2D = MakeMeSmall.Downscale.Subsample(inputTexture2D, new Vector3(w, h, 0));

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