Low Poly Rails and Minecarts

Publisher Maxence Incoul
File size 31.68MB
Number of files 258
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-11-19 02:06:08
First release date 2016-05-11 11:33:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A small set of low polygon rails and mine stuff. Fits well in cartoon environments.


- Rail: Straight

- Rail: Turn 90°

- Rail: T-turn 90°

- Broken rail: Straight

- Broken rail: Straight, end of line

- Second broken rail: Straight, end of line

- Empty minecart

- Full minecart (3 different textures for gold, silver and blue crystals)

- Wooden support beams

- Wooden lamp post

- Test scene