LitJson Ruler

Publisher yedo-factory
File size 1.82MB
Number of files 29
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2016-01-13 07:48:20
First release date 2016-01-13 07:48:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Document | GitHub

LitJson Ruler is Asset which automated all exchange of communication using LitJson in Excel!

1.Communication interface create in Excel
2.On Unity, Excel data, parse (only 1 button)
3.You communicate in the auto-generated class (only 1 code!)

That's all.

A renewal can introduce everyone easily and is also easy. It's Excel, so the exchange of communication is also easy to understand.
LitJson Ruler also creates all classes automatically communication data of the complicated structure.

The LitJson life comfortable in LitJson Ruler...!

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