Lenin pack


Publisher STmodels
File size 291.86MB
Number of files 53
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-03-29 05:17:39
First release date 2019-01-17 10:25:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
The package contains:
1) Statue of Lenin - 8242 tris with LOD's.
Textures (4096x4096): Albedo, Normal Map, AO

2) Broken statue of Lenin contains:
a) Lenin_broken_body - 6316 tris with LOD's.
b) Lenin_broken_feet - 814 tris with LOD's.
c) Lenin_broken_hand - 1508 tris with LOD's.
Textures (4096x4096): Albedo, Normal Map, AO

3) Bust of Lenin - 4728 tris with LOD's.
Textures (4096x4096): Albedo, Normal Map, AO, Roughness

4) Bas-relief of Lenin - 2086 tris with LOD's.
Textures (4096x4096): Albedo, Normal Map, AO, Metallic

5) Pedestal 1 - 84 tris
Textures (4096x4096): Albedo, Normal Map, AO, Specular

6) Pedestal 2 - 148 tris
Textures (4096x4096): Albedo, Normal Map, AO, Specular

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