Kajaman's Roads - Megapack


Publisher Kajaman
File size 83.29MB
Number of files 945
Latest version 1.0.1
Latest release date 2018-01-29 09:25:23
First release date 2016-01-07 10:44:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Forum - Product Page - Demo1 - Demo2

Time for a road trip!!!

Adrenaline packed drive on the best roads ever for Your game.

The roads are optimized for the best ratio between smoothness and polygon numbers.

The asset is mobile friendly and prefabs for computer and mobile use are included.

There are currently 96 roads of 6 types:

- 6 lane highway
- 4 lane highway
- 2 lane road
- dirt road
- 2 lane road "Corn" - new Update 1.01
- 2 lane road "Woods" - new Update 1.01

The roads are 5 to 20 km long and have between 2500 and 21000 triangles.

Update 1.01 roads come in 3 versions with the same shape but different numbers of triangles. They have an optional separate mesh with trees as well.

Check out my other tracks:
Race Tracks – Megapack
Race Track – Spruce Creek Park
Race Track – Red Rock Raceway
Autodromo di Trentatre
Sky Tracks – Megapack
Sky Track – The Gordian Knot
Sky Track – The Thrill Bow
Sky Track – The Clover Leaf
Sky Track – The Bow Tie
Sky Track – Over and Under

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