Japan's Three Sacred Treasures

Publisher Argyle Co.,Ltd
File size 96.91MB
Number of files 24
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-12-15 09:30:17
First release date 2021-12-15 09:30:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The "Three Sacred Treasures" are three treasures that have been passed down through the generations of Japanese emperors.
I don't even know when they were made, and even the Emperor of Japan has never seen these treasures.
So this asset is an imaginary one.

This asset is imaginary, but we have created a high quality version of what it could conceivably look like.
If you like, you can use them in your games and videos!

- Realistic textures
- Skyboxes that can be used as images are also included.

■Data structure
Demo scenes ・・・・・・・2
Prefabs ・・・・・・・・・3
Materials ・・・・・・・・1
Models(FBX) ・・・・・・・3
Textures(TGA) ・・・・・・4
PSD ・・・・・・・・・・・4

Textures are in TGA file format.

■Textures Size
2048x2048pixel 2image
1024x1024pixel 1image

(Metallic textures are included in the alpha channel of the Roughness texture.)

4096x4096pixel 1image


Prefabs have already created colliders.
Lights are not burned in to avoid limitations in use.

If you have any problems or questions
Email [email protected]
Please contact us.

Argyle Co.,Ltd
URL http://argylejp.com/wp/

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