iOS Achievement Uploader

Publisher Kaio Interactive
File size 442.16kB
Number of files 2
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-03-13 11:06:14
First release date 2014-05-13 09:42:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
After experiencing the sometimes painful approach to manually editing our Achievement data for our games we were convinced there must be an easier way.
Now we know how to play ball with command line utilities, but really there should be an easier way to deal with this.
That’s why we put this utility together to make the job somewhat easier.
This utility plugin allows you to take your spreadsheet data for iOS achievments and upload it in one go, even including a different image for each achievement if you want.
A simple process to save a chunk of time sat doing data entry at the itunes connect webstire for hours on end, and then realising you missed one.
We're sure you'll find this usefull if you have more than one or two achievements setup in your iOS game

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