Interactive Guide: Cross-Platform UI

Publisher Unity Technologies
File size 927.50MB
Number of files 2202
Latest version 1.0.6
Latest release date 2023-02-14 11:13:13
First release date 2021-12-01 10:35:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Each section of the Guide teaches UI features and workflows through follow-along examples while highlighting where to navigate or click for each step.

You'll learn about adaptive UI scaling, setting up UI input interactions, UI optimization, and more — all while refining a game inventory UI example from the Unity Open Project, Chop Chop.

By the end, you'll gain an understanding of the features and approaches you can use to create UI that works across PC, console, and mobile devices.

UI topics covered:

  • Testing screen resolutions
  • Canvas scaling
  • Anchors and Pivots
  • Safe Areas
  • Auto Layouts, Layout Groups, and Layout Elements
  • Using TextMeshPro
  • Sprite 9-Slicing
  • Content Size Fitters
  • UI button creation and setup
  • Using the Input System
  • Defining supported input devices
  • Creating Input Actions
  • Analyzing UI performance with the Profiler
  • UI texture compression and Sprite Atlases
  • Improving UI draw calls and batching

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