iG Tile Atlas Builder

Publisher iwabit Games
File size 110.92kB
Number of files 8
Latest version 1.0.4
Latest release date 2018-01-16 10:37:21
First release date 2018-01-16 10:37:21
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A free and handy little Unity asset to quickly arrange small textures/images to a big atlas texture and save it as a single big png. Or split a texture into multiple small textures (respectively tiles). As simple as that.

Free to use and a part and foretaste of the quality of the upcoming 3D Tile-Map Creator: iG Tile-Map 3D.

- Drag & drop textures into the Atlas
- or load images into the Atlas
- or import an Atlas
- Arrange the textures by drag & drop
- Save the Atlas as a single big png
- or as multiple tile textures


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