Hyper Road Jam - Complete Project

Publisher PuikPuik Games
File size 0.99MB
Number of files 58
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-07-01 01:25:13
First release date 2020-07-01 01:25:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Hyper Road Jam is a complete 2D game project. You can use it for learning or you can release it also. It's a car traffic controlling style game where player have to swipe/drag cars from one lane to another lane to avoid collisions. It is a kind of Hyper Casual type game.

- Ready for mobile, web and pc platform.
- Complete how to documentation.
- 17 different type of minimal designed car sprites included.
- Supports both Mouse/Touch input system.
- Very minimal design, super easy to modify.
- Pre build How to play tutorial screen.
- Full, clean and well commented C# Code.
- Ads and Leaderboards can be implemented easily
- Implemented game difficulty.
- Clean UI
- Ready to publish.

After purchasing, you are free to do anything with this project you want