
Publisher Higgins-PT
File size 213.21MB
Number of files 289
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-28 07:36:13
First release date 2024-11-28 07:36:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Hig Water System 2.0

Hig Water System 2.0 is an advanced, user-friendly, and realistic ocean surface rendering solution focused on simulating lifelike visuals. It provides real-time, realistic ocean surface simulations through physics-based oceanographic empirical formulas combined with reflection and refraction using the HZB algorithm.

Hig Water System 2.0 is easy and fast to deploy, equipped with an efficient ocean surface toolbox system that allows for rapid parameter adjustments and configuration file saving.

Hig Water System 2.0 is highly adaptable, suitable for a variety of scenarios from small rivers to vast oceans. The built-in LOD system enables the creation of an infinitely expansive ocean surface.

Hig Water System 2.0 includes features such as flowmaps, wave scaling, reflection adjustments, and an interactive system for real-time Kelvin wake simulation, allowing for the creation of flowing rivers, whirlpools, and other dynamic water effects.

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