Hierarchy - Simple Icons


Publisher Yagir.inc
File size 41.09kB
Number of files 11
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-09-12 01:33:13
First release date 2023-09-12 01:33:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The asset allows you to add icons to the Hierarchy window.

It also adds a "Folder" to the creation menu, which is always located on Vector3.zero in local coordinates if the checkbox is checked.

In the Icons List object there is an item AllEmptyFolders - converts all empty objects located at the coordinates of Vector3.zero in the local position into folders.

Asset (IconsList which is located in the package folder) takes standard Unity Editor icons

You can add the name of a component that is not in the list to the list that is IconsList to display its icon.

Compatibility 2020.3 higher or lower