HD Heavy Gun

Publisher 7YearsEntertainment
File size 13.74MB
Number of files 35
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-04-15 06:44:24
First release date 2016-03-15 11:09:21
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A free HD (very detailed) weapon model for getting started with any FPS or any kind of game. As only a model, works in all versions of Unity

It was made to resemble some kind of Sci-fi gun, and detachable one ammo clips and two energy battery clips.

The main texture is a handraw a bit toonish style, but the weapons has a lot of different materials acroos its topology to customize the diffuse.

-3 Main diffuse maps. -3 Normal maps. -Several extra diffuses showing different levels of energy consume for the energy clips.

-3422 tris between all objects.

-Besides a default prefab, some additional color prefabs, like different types of ammunition.

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