Happy Harvest - 2D Sample Project

Publisher Unity Technologies
File size 40.26MB
Number of files 940
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-04-19 02:19:13
First release date 2023-07-04 09:13:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
  • Ignore possible VFX warning or errors, since these won’t appear after restarting or in newer Unity versions
  • You can open any scene, but start with MainMenu scene to play the demo
  • Remember to restart the Editor to make use of the new Input System (if prompted)
  • This is a full project and will override the settings and packages of any project you import it into

Happy Harvest is an official Unity sample project that showcases the capabilities of the native 2D tools in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) in Unity 2022 LTS.

Announcement Unity blog post

The demo is a 2D top-down farming simulation game that shows what’s possible with 2D lights, shadow effects, skeletal animation, sprite libraries, visual effects, and more.

Along with the demo, we created a series of in-depth articles to show you how to create the 2D visuals so you can add them to your own projects. View these pages together with Happy Harvest to get the most value:

  1. 2D light and shadow techniques in the Universal Render Pipeline
  2. How to animate 2D characters in Unity 2022 LTS
  3. How to create art and gameplay with 2D tilemaps
  4. Coming soon: 2D special effects with the VFX Graph and Shader Graph

You can explore the techniques shown in Happy Harvest, plus many more, in the e-book 2D game art, animation, and lighting for artists.

You’ll find all of Unity’s advanced e-books and articles in the Unity best practices hub.

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