Halftone Shaders

Publisher Radical Forge
File size 82.05MB
Number of files 92
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-05-29 09:10:16
First release date 2017-12-20 06:27:26
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package contains several halftone shaders that can be applied as a material to any model. It has support for normal maps with the option to swap out the gradient.

Web Demo

- 15 preset halftone textures at 2048x2048
- 5 preset noise textures at 2048x2048
- 10 halftone shader variants (5 with normal maps)

Shader Properties:
- Base Color
- UV Scale
- Halftone Power
- Step Color
- Step 'N'
- Step 'N' Halftone
- Normal Map
- Normal Map Intensity
- Halftone Gradient Texture
- Edge Color
- Edge Width
- Edge Step
- Shadow Amount
- Use Screen Space

Note: Not all properties are available on every shader

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