Guns Pack

Publisher Dollar Assets
File size 359.65MB
Number of files 40
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-03-28 03:52:18
First release date 2016-01-20 10:11:56
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Another Dollar Asset!
This guns pack contains 4 different guns, ideal for modern or futuristic FPS games.

Each gun come with a PSD texture, a mobile version (with atlased and lower resolution texture) and a ready to use prefab.

All guns, with the exception of the rocket launcher, come with a reload animation.

- Rocket Launcher: 5439 Tris
- Sci-fi Rifle: 5839 Tris
- Submachine Gun: 6710 Tris
- Shotgun: 4696 Tris

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