Glasswork Plants Vol.1


Publisher Glasswork
File size 748.26MB
Number of files 239
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-05-12 11:29:12
First release date 2020-05-12 11:29:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

GLASSWORK - Plants Vol.1


High quality, optimised 10 indoor and outdoor plants with Standard and HDRP materials.



10 Plants, 10 Pots, 4 Soils

- Bamboo V1 9350 tris.

- Bamboo V2 4850 tris.

- Banana V1 4250 tris.

- Banana V2 6550 tris.

- Corn 1500 tris.

- Dracaena 6150 tris.

- Ficus 2200 tris.

- Philodendron 2350 tris.

- Plumeria 5600 tris.

- Sword 1900 tris.

- Demo Scene(without plants) 3750 tris.

- Pots (for each) 500 - 1000 tris.



- 2K standard metallic workflow textures(speedtree8 shader for plants).

- SpeedTree8 'Extra' texture.

- HDRP 'Mask' texture.



- Some models have polygon cage, some models just have double sided material.

- All screenshots made in Unity Standard Pipeline.

- Screenshots are raw images that have not used Post Effect.

- Demo Scene light maps may be broken in some versions of Unity. You have to build it.


Thank you.