Publisher Mocah Team (LIP6 - Sorbonne Université)
File size 2.93MB
Number of files 33
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2022-09-16 08:09:12
First release date 2020-06-16 10:44:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

FYFY means FamilY For unitY. It is an Entity Component System (ECS) made for Unity.

FYFY was designed for teaching purposes to help beginners to understand data-driven simulation and to play with ECS mechanisms. FYFY is focused on the modularity interest of ECS. We try to make it easy to use and well-integrated into the Unity editor.

FYFY doesn't focus on optimization. If you are interested in high performances games use the native ECS of Unity instead.

Take a look on Github:

See API documentation for details

Example of projects designed with FYFY: E-LearningScape, Covid-25, SPY

Compatible with .NET2x and .NET4x

No requirement and dependency.

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