Free MatCap Shaders

Jean Moreno

Publisher Jean Moreno
File size 3.57MB
Number of files 85
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-03-21 05:24:09
First release date 2013-04-16 07:31:34
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
9 free MatCap-like Shaders!
Similar to ZBrush's materials, they allow to define the whole shading model into one texture!
As such, they don't use lights and are very fast!

Easily create cartoon, metallic, glossy or ghostly materials with them!


Plain: Base shader that applies the submitted MatCap texture
Plain Additive: Same shader with an additive blending, useful for Ghosts-like effects for example
Textured Add: Uses a basic color texture and adds the MatCap material on top of it
Textured Multiply: Same one but multiplies the MatCap material on top of it
Textured Lit: The only shader that uses lights, can be used to achieve fast but not accurate specular effects
Bumped (Plain, Textured Add, Textured Mult): Versions with normal map support

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