FPS Tec-9 - Model & Textures


Publisher Patgame
File size 115.89MB
Number of files 15
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-02-03 01:53:50
First release date 2020-02-12 09:42:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Tec-9 Pistol is a high quality, low poly model of the popular
Tec-9 with high-resolution textures.
Geometry has been triangulated to ensure it shades as accurately as possible.
The weapon is separated into objects to make animation easier and
They are arranged in the following hierarchy:

-weapon base
-bullet 9mm

Technical Details:
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: 4K
Texture type:
-ambient occlusion
Faces : 11.7k
Vertices : 5.9k

E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @Ghost_Patryk

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