Football Game Engine (Indie)

Publisher Wasu Studio
File size 59.50MB
Number of files 530
Latest version 2.0.8
Latest release date 2022-04-21 11:29:18
First release date 2016-07-28 05:34:21
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Football Game Engine (Indie) is an advanced implementation of a football game. This package is ideal for both educational purposes and to make your own game.

If you have already purchased any of the following Football Game Engine(Basic) and/or Super Goalie(Basic) don't worry, we have got you covered. Simply upgrade to Football Game Engine (Indie)


Football Game Engine(Indie) is currently on promotion. It's actual cost is $50. Get it whilst promotion lasts.


- Mecanim player animations(jog, sprint, short pass, long pass, punch ball, catch ball etc)

- Clean and highly commented code.

- No reliance to any other third party plugin

- State machines for the game a.i

- CPU vs Player, for CPU vs CPU no interface to select.

- High poly and low poly player models.

- Easily intergratable with Control Freak

- Implementation of numerous football game rules(game-halves, corner-kick, counter-kick,

goal-kick, throw-in).

- Implementation of teams, and there team kits

- Implementation of players with different levels of attributes

- Implementation of numerous game difficulties

- Implementation of different team tactics for attack and defending



Projects that have utilized this asset

Golden Team Soccer 18

!!! Please share your project with us !!!

Our Other Products

Intelligent Selector, RobustFSM, Super Goalie (Basic), Football Game Engine (Basic)


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Phone: +263786123725

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