FlatBuffers tool for the editor


Publisher Wunder9l
File size 1.78MB
Number of files 39
Latest version 0
Latest release date 2020-05-07 02:50:15
First release date 2020-05-07 02:50:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package adds support for FlatBuffers to UnityEditor. This small plugin adds grants you ability to :
* Create new .fbs messages from the Editor as right-click action
* Compile and recompile .fbs messages to c#/python/c++ from Editor as right-click action (including support for multi-file selection)

Because it depends on flatc (compiler of flatbuffers) you have to install it from official repository or use precompiled binary from my github. Because of Unity's policy restrictions these files can not be added to package
Additional options for package: * Configs for plugin are available from Editor's menu item
* You can set root location for all your .fbs messages (in case of using including files) just as right click option
* It supports Windows/Linux/MacOS and includes precompiled binary for every system

More information is available here
P.S.: All rights on FlatBuffers belong to Google. This plugin just simplifies works with FlatBuffers through the UnityEditor

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