Encryption by Phrase

Publisher DiLuccArts
File size 21.39kB
Number of files 4
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-07-29 05:47:24
First release date 2016-07-28 10:30:28
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This tool provides a feature that allows to encrypt and decrypt a ‘string’ value by using a key phrase. It uses a hidden exclusive algorithm that was developed for high security for your data. You can use this feature to protect your save file or any other purpose that needs data protection.

- Easy to use
- Works on all platforms
- Unity Pro is not required

Demo: The scene ‘EncryptionByPhraseDemo’ has a basic GUI that will help you to understand in an easier way the use of this tool. The script ‘ExampleEncryptionByPhrase’ implements the code that is used by the buttons and provides the default text examples. You can play with this GUI to test some cases like what happen when you want to decrypt with a different key phrase, etc.

Contact: [email protected]