Email Composer in iOS

Publisher Brain Check
File size 1.54MB
Number of files 12
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-04-19 12:16:35
First release date 2017-09-11 08:05:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Plugin will allow developers to send emails from Unity Games in iOS by using using native Mail Composer of iOS. Plugin provides many features to customize the Email according to requirements. Developers can set recipients, ccRecipients, bcc-recipients, subject and body. Developers can even send email with multiple screenshots, multiple images, multiple csv files and multiple text files.
1. Developer can set the Subject which they want to set for the email and can leave it blank.
2. Developer can set the body of email which they want to set and can leave it blank.
3. Developer can set the recipients they want to set and can leave it also blank.
4. Developer can set the cc recipients they want to set and can leave it also blank.
5. Developer can set the bcc recipients they want to set and can leave it also blank.
6. Developer can also send game screenshot through email.
7. Developers can send multiple custom image in email
8. Developers can send multiple CSV files in email
7. Developers can send multiple text files in email

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