Capture Image From Camera in iOS

Publisher Brain Check
File size 542.03kB
Number of files 9
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-09-02 09:28:21
First release date 2015-02-12 08:18:21
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This plugin will allow developers to use the camera on your iOS device to capture images. It also allows you to load an image from the library in your iOS device and save the image in iOS devices. It refreshes the gallery too, so images appear in phone gallery directly. No need to refresh the gallery explicitly.

This plugin allows the developer the following options:
1. Use the device camera to capture images and get status in callback
2. Load images from device library and receive status in callback
3. Save images to device library
4. Save images to specific album of a device and if the album does not exist, then create it

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