Easy couch co-op

Publisher Maffಠ_ಠ
File size 305.94kB
Number of files 79
Latest version 0
Latest release date 2024-03-28 03:07:12
First release date 2024-03-28 03:07:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This is a template to make your own couch co-op or local multiplayer game with the new input system

For now it contains 2 examples:

- example 1 is a classic menu of games like moving out, overcooked...

here the player panel appears when any button in pressed and the player can change skin

and hol the confirm button when it's ready to play

- example 2 is a menu in the style of Smash Bros

here when a player press a button a hand appears, players can use the hand to select

the skin in the grid, only one skin can be used by one player

Please remember that this is a work in progress package, new features will be added over time and price might change.

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