Dual Axis Turret Controller Package

Publisher Charlie Guerri-Garrett
File size 724.73kB
Number of files 31
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2020-09-25 05:27:13
First release date 2020-08-07 06:50:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Dual Axis Turret Controller is a series of C# scripts designed to allow easy creation and control of turrets, both players controlled and automated, that can independently rotate on both the Y and X axis for realistic movement. Both axes also have rotation limits available, with linear interpolation between limits on the X axis.

- Independent rotation on both X and Y axis
- Option to limited Y axis rotation
- Options for multiple X axis rotation limits
- Linear interpolation between rotation limits
- Control of 1 or more turrets under a single controller
- Options for adding AI control with target selection and lead calculation
- Options for projectile pooling to reduce computing power, this feature is a WIP

Main script has a custom inspector layout as well as visual representation of any rotation limits imposed by the user.

Included in this package:
- The Turret Controller and Turret Object script pair
- The optional Projectile Pooling and AI Control Module scripts
- A demo scene for the various setups
- Various supporting scripts for both functionality and the Demo Scene
- A simple 3D model of a gatling turret

Future updates will focus on adding quality of life improvements for initial setup of turrets as well as rotation limits visualisation.

Known Issues:
Upon initial import and setup rotation limits are unable to be set and reset to default values. To fix this, open the editor scripts and comment out all the code. Save and allow Unity to re-compile the scripts. Then reopen and un-comment the code, save, re-compile. If this does not fix the issue please contact me. This appears to be an issue with Unity.

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