Doors and Keys


Publisher Wing13GD
File size 4.09MB
Number of files 48
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-01-23 05:47:44
First release date 2017-09-18 08:23:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
===Doors And Keys===
Doors And Keys asset is an ultimate tool to add Doors And Keys in your game. 6 doors, 2 keys, 5 sounds and knob.

Doors have three different modes:
1. Door Mode.
Door works as a regular door. Drag&Drop. - Configurable speed and angle.
- Door can be locked with a key. (The 'Key item ID' of a door should be equal to the 'Item ID' of a key for this door)
- Door can be opened/closed automaticley.
- Playing sound when locked.
- Playing sound when opened/closed.
- Playing sound when opening with a key.
- Open a door with a knob.

2. Door to another location
The door is loading another scene and placing player to a gameobject specified in "Player appears here" field. Don't forget to add all locations in Build Settings. Set 'Door ID' to connect same doors in different locations.
- Door can be locked with a key.
- Playing sound when locked.

3. Teleport
Moves player to a gameobject specified in "Player appears here" field.
- Door can be locked with a key.
- Playing sound when locked.

Keys are made as takable items. You should only input an Item ID to connect a key to a specific door (with same Key Item ID).

4. Sliding Mode for sliding doors.
5. Call Function mode for great flexibility.
PlayerInteractor allows you to interact with doors and take keys from this asset.
- Sending Click(); message to an object in front of player camera (If PlayerInteractor.cs is added to player camera object).
- EButton mode - doing that on pressing E button, Mouse mode - doing that on pressing left mouse button.
- Crosshair

TakeItem allows you to make item takable. 2 modes:
- PlayerLookAndClick. The item is taken when GameObject receive Click (); message.
- PlayerComeClose. The item is taken when Player comes close to it.

===NOW TO===
1.1. Drag and drop Wing13Assets/W13Core prefab to yor scene.
1.2. Place a door on your scene.

2.1. In a first person game Add PlayerInteractor.cs to your Player Camera object. Now you can take the keys and open doors using E button or left mouse button.
2.2. In a third person game Add PlayerInteractor.cs to your Player object. Point you character to the door and press E or left mouse button.

Please let me know if you need other features.

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