Dishooks - Send Discord messages from your game

Publisher Sofia Lindgren
File size 587.88kB
Number of files 27
Latest version 2.3.1
Latest release date 2024-04-24 05:34:49
First release date 2020-06-25 12:55:10
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher


Set-up is simple - make a webhook for your Discord channel in the app, copy it and paste it into Unity, and you're good to go. Sending a message is as easy as calling Dishook.Send(message);. No hosting or Discord bots required.

Fully customizable

Sending messages and rich embeds is straightforward. Use the built-in wrapper for simplicity, or build the webhooks yourself from scratch. Dishooks has full coverage over the Discord webhook API, supports all the features of webhooks; embeds, attachments, editing and more.

Any message you see on Discord can be sent using Dishooks!

Webhook objects

Webhook configurations can be created as a Scriptable Object so you easily can organize them and use the right sender for the right message.

Comes with multiple examples and documentation

A complete example scene and an online documentation included. Email support in English and Swedish if any problems would occur.

File support

You can now send local files with Dishooks - no need to pay for a storage server.

This asset is using the public Discord API, and is NOT affiliated with Discord Inc.

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