
Publisher Keldam Entertainment
File size 16.62kB
Number of files 10
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-09-23 06:49:20
First release date 2015-06-30 10:54:45
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
With Diagrammer, you can easily make simple diagrams for your project to help plan out its design and development. You can even use it to make a diagram about anything, not just your Unity projects.

Diagrammer is an editor extension that uses a custom editor window for placing subject "nodes" into a diagram. Each diagrams is attached to a prefab, and you use the inspector to edit the details of the diagram's nodes and color properties.

Version 1.0 Features:
1) View a diagram in the Diagrammer editor window.
2) Create subject nodes in the Diagrammer editor window. These nodes display their name over a small background rectangle. These nodes can be edited in the diagram prefab's inspector to change their details. Details include their name, sorting tags, and notes.
3) Node sorting tags can be used to visually connect nodes together with a colored line indicating a relation to other nodes with the same sorting tag.
4) Node details are where you can store any information you want to use for later reference on the subject.
5) You can move individual nodes in the Diagrammer editor window.
6) You can scroll the view to previously unseen areas of your diagram if you are working with more nodes than will fit on your screen at one time.
7) Change the color of various diagram components for the Diagrammer editor window. These colors can be changed and stored for each diagram.
8) Erase an entire diagram's contents to start over.
9) Delete individual nodes in your diagram.
10) All erasing, deleting, and creation of nodes use the Unity Editor's undo feature.
11) Quickly find a node in the Diagrammer editor window.
12) All of your diagram's information is stored in its prefab so you don't lose any of its data.