DHG Statistically Random Value

Publisher Jeffrey Cooper
File size 643.00kB
Number of files 35
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-01-22 05:14:22
First release date 2018-01-22 05:14:22
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This library allows the user to generate random floating point values for well known statistical distributions.  Unity and System Random functions provide only Uniform distribution. 

Statistical Distributions occur frequently in nature and are used to model many natural events such as Arrival times, Average Population Characteristics, and natural event likelihood.

Supported Distributions
1. Beta
2. Chi Squared
3. Exponential
4. Gamma
5. Gaussian (Normal)
6. Linear
7. Poisson
8. Uniform
9. Weibull

- Configurable Minimum and Maximum (0-1 otherwise)
- Discrete or Continuous Output
- 9 Commonly used Distributions
- Easy to use
- Usable as Assets to allow consistent randomness across game objects
- Usable as script object for localized randomness
- Popup Menu for SRV Asset Creation
- Extensible Scripting Architecture

Instructions are provided to allow the user to create their own distribution scripts and include them into this library.  This easy integration allows for users to develop and test their ideas using the provided game ready distributions, and if necessary hire a PhD to develop scientifically accurate algorithms and drop in replace or supplement the existing algorithms without impacting their existing code.