Defective Splines

Publisher Defective Studios
File size 525.03kB
Number of files 32
Latest version 1.0.5
Latest release date 2011-06-14 07:50:51
First release date 2011-05-31 10:32:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Defective Studios' spline controller is an integral component with many uses. The Spline Controller scripts above allow users to create pre-defined spline paths for objects to follow, either automatically at set speeds, or responding to keyboard and mouse input.

It should be noted that curve-like interpolation (like Bezier curves) is currently missing, but in the works. Right now the follower moves at a constant speed in a straight line from point to point.

Visit UnifyCommunity for the full documentation (Work in progress)

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