Deep Components

Publisher Alexander Petryaev
File size 214.01MB
Number of files 144
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2020-12-31 09:29:23
First release date 2020-10-26 01:47:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Deep Components allows you to integrate deep learning algorithms, structures, and methodology into your Unity3D application not only at the development stage but including the publishing stage as well. You won't need any other third-party software. Deep Components as a tool is completely integrated into Unity3D and has no extra software dependencies.

Deep Components supports GPGPU (by the means of Compute Shaders) as its primary hardware platform but also includes CPU multithreading as a fallback.

The features provided are quite graphic and allows you to observe and supervise the training process of deep learning network.

Deep Components contains following layers with learnable parameters: Dense (aka Fully Connected, aka Linear), Convolutional, Deconvolutional.

Layers providing nonlinear activation: Leaky ReLU, Sigmoid, TanH, Softmax, CELU, Softsign.

Regularization layers: Dropout, Batch normalization.

Discretisation layers: Pooling, Upsampling.

Layer for variational inference: Stochastic.

Loss functions: Mean average Error, Mean squared error, Huber, Negative log likelihood, Binary cross entropy.

Optimization algoriths: Stochastic gradient descent with optional momentum, Root mean square propagation (RMSProp), Adaptive momentum estimation (Adam).

It allows arbitrary batch size (still, it has to fit the hardware limits).

Also, it includes demonstrative examples of how to use deep neural networks to solve classification, encoding/decoding problems, unsupervised learning, and generative models.

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