D.A. Localizator

Publisher D.A. Assets Publisher
File size 15.09MB
Number of files 291
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2024-12-06 01:24:13
First release date 2024-12-06 01:24:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This asset provides all the necessary functionality for setting up localization in your Unity project.

Current features:

• Localization of UI.Text, TextMeshPro, and UI Toolkit text components;

• Ability to load localization from the following sources:

a) TextAsset;

b) Resources;

c) Application.streamingAssetsPath;

d) Application.persistentDataPath;

e) Google Sheets;

f) Easily implement your own behavior for loading localization assets;

Translating tables using a built-in Editor tool with ChatGPT integration.

• Setting up Data Binding to public, private, instance, and static fields and properties in serialized GameObjects.

• Text localization with placeholders like "{0}".

• Support for recompilation – the script will continue working even if you've made code changes and it has recompiled;

• Ability to configure separate localization tables for different platforms.

• Ability to set up fallback for missing languages.

• Localizations work in both Playmode and Editor.

• Detailed manual with screenshots are included inside the asset and are also available on the developer's website;

• Detailed documentation, clear and structured code with comments and summaries;

Live support: reach out on Discord if you have any questions! 🙂


The asset uses the fonts "Noto Sans" and "Noto Sans Japanese" in its demo scene.
These fonts are licensed under "SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1" and are not required for the asset to function. They can be removed if desired.

The asset includes the open-source library "MiniExcel" under the "Apache" license. This library is provided as C# scripts (not DLL) and is essential for the asset's functionality.

Project compilation with the asset for various platforms has been tested by the asset developer and does not cause errors.

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