Custom Teleporter Pad Script

Publisher Damaged Grounds
File size 12.46MB
Number of files 30
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2014-08-25 08:30:36
First release date 2014-07-25 10:34:43
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A simple script that you can attach to any object with a trigger, and turn it into a teleporter device you can customize.

It has the following options:
- instant teleport
- random teleport
- button teleport
- delayed teleport
- object with tag or not

And a combination of the above. For example instant + random, or random + delayed, or random + button, and so on.

The package includes example prefabs, with 6 different color preferences. :)
Models are available in .fbx and .blend file formats.

The Readme file containts instructions and details. And the script is heavily commented for easier understanding of how it works.

1. Included example prefabs showcase vid.
2. Random + Instant teleporter in action.

Have any questions or suggestions? Email me or better yet ask on the Official Forum Thread.

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