Curve Designer

Publisher Chase MacMillan
File size 448.21MB
Number of files 187
Latest version 1.0.3
Latest release date 2021-11-30 08:13:12
First release date 2021-11-03 08:51:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Curve Designer was built to allow developers to create highly customized curves without leaving the editor. This allows developers to rapidly iterate on level design ideas without having to switch to a 3D modeling application.

Curve Designer is different from most spline tools because it allows you to configure properties of the curve at different points along the curve, and then interpolate between them. For example you could add some rotation points to twist the curve to create banked turns for a racing game. Editing these points is very simple and each point type has a high-quality custom user-interface.

These curves support MeshColliders, so performing collision checks against curves is no problem. You can also edit these curves at runtime via scripts, allowing you to have curves that morph and shift at runtime.

Curve Designer can also serve the role of a simple spline tool for defining paths for characters and other objects to follow.

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