
Publisher Loksi Games
File size 8.60MB
Number of files 79
Latest version 1.1.1
Latest release date 2024-04-16 01:52:08
First release date 2023-12-21 06:28:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

ContenTable enables developers to easily create and edit large numbers of ScriptableObjects via spreadsheets. ScriptableObjects are an essential part of the Unity development pipeline, but creating and editing each instance of a ScriptableObject through the Unity editor is tedious on a good day. With ContenTable, however, you can create and edit character stats, shop inventories, weapon attributes, faction tech trees, missions, or whatever else you can imagine via your favorite spreadsheet software. It’s as simple as:

  1. Enter the object’s parameters into Excel or OpenOffice
  2. Assign each column in your spreadsheet to a field in your ScriptableObject
  3. Serialize your Excel document into Unity-ready assets

What’s more, ContenTable includes built-in localization support. Mark which columns contain localizable text and ContenTable will automatically generate lookup keys for your game’s localization system to find it with. Additionally, ContenTable can export all of your document’s text to a separate file for translation or future serialization.

ContenTable uses NPOI under the Apache 2.0 license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

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