Construction Buildings (3 Variations)

Publisher Motherhunter
File size 2.54MB
Number of files 8
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-04-01 08:09:17
First release date 2020-04-17 08:17:10
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
3 variations of Construction Buildings 3D models

Includes 3 3D Models:
- Small building (three-story house)
- Middle building (eight-story house)
- Large building (fourteen-story house)

3D Model include 3 textures:
Base Texture (Diffuse map) is 1024x1024pxl.
Specular and Normal are 512x512pxl.

Geometry (All models):
Vertices: 33,936
Polygons: 11,628

Small building:
Vertices: 2,767
Polygons: 987

Middle building:
Vertices: 9,767
Polygons: 3,502

Large building:
Vertices: 21,402
Polygons: 7,139

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