

Publisher Nettle
File size 63.31MB
Number of files 43
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-12-19 09:43:31
First release date 2015-02-03 02:05:37
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Unity 5 supported

Unity 4 Pro version supported only

Ingame usage supported

Links: Website | Forum Thread

CompositeMap allows to create and edit the whole set of object textures by masks and real-time evaluate the result of their joint applying.

It allows customizing hard-visualizable textures like Reflection, Glossiness, Self-Illumination, etc.

CompositeMap edits the textures using the masks of materials similar to CompositeMap map in 3ds Max or Layered Texture in Maya.

What am I buying?

• Commercial license of CompositeMap tool

• Source code + upcoming updates

• Samples for Editors: for Unity 5, Unity 4

• Sample for Ingame usage for Unity 5

• Optimized low-poly model (1578 tris) of Mini Cooper with full set of material masks

It is very simple to use the utility:

• Create the asset CompositeMap and add the layers to it

• Press Save button — the texture file with the same name as asset will be created

• Apply the texture to the object of Unity scene

• Return to the CompositeMap and tune the layers

In the Viewport you can real-time see the result of all your actions.

All the textures created with CompositeMap could be used by the third-party Unity tools and plugins, which can significantly broaden the abilities of the Editor.

You also can use all the features of texture composing in runtime. Let user tunes the appearance of his objects! No problem with draw calls!

You can create the masks of materials automatically with the MaskBaker script for 3ds Max (it is free).

Optimized Mini Cooper model (1578 tris) with full set of material masks in Samples!

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