Cinematic Studio Sample

Publisher Unity Technologies
File size 192.10MB
Number of files 882
Latest version 1.2.1
Latest release date 2022-02-10 08:56:30
First release date 2021-05-03 01:21:10
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Check out the full blog post.

Note: This content supports Unity Editor 2020.3 only. This same content is now available in 2021.2.2 (minimum) under the name Cinematic Studio Template via the Unity Hub.

Documentation and Feedback

  • Visit the sample’s details and documentation page in the Unity Forum to get the Startup Guide, which includes detailed installation instructions.
  • Follow the tutorials available on the Unity Learn platform to familiarize yourself with the sample and its features.
  • Provide your thoughts and feedback about this product through the Film, TV, Animation & Cinematics forum.


  • An updated version of Timeline, the backbone of any cinematic.
  • Sequences, a new workflow tool to keep your movie's editorial content organized, collaborative, and flexible.
  • Recorder, which outputs videos, stills, AOVs, and more.
  • Support for Alembic, a file format for complex animations.
  • FBX Exporter, which allows you to roundtrip content to DCCs.
  • Cinemachine, our camera system for framing and following cinematic action.
  • The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).
  • And finally, MICH-L, a brand new #MadeWithUnity cartoon which uses all the features so you can see how everything works together.


  1. Create a new Unity project from 3D or High Definition RP template and leave the Unity Editor open on the created project.
  2. Here in the Asset Store, click on Add to My Assets and accept the Terms of Service and EULA.
  3. In the top banner that opens, click on Open in Unity.
  4. If a dialog box appears, asking for permission to open Unity, click on Open Unity Editor. This brings you to the Unity Editor and locates the Cinematic Studio Sample in the Package Manager, pointing to "Packages: My Assets".
  5. In the bottom left corner, click on Download.
  6. When the content has finished downloading, click on Import.
  7. A message warns you that the import will overwrite your current project settings. As you started from a new empty project, you can safely click on Import.
  8. Another message warns you that there are Package Manager dependencies. Click on Install/Upgrade. Allow this phase of import to complete.
  9. The "Import Unity Package" window appears. In the lower right corner of this window, click on Import.
  10. Once this phase of import is complete, you can get started.

Technical details

Unity Editor 2020.3 only (earlier and later versions not supported).

In 2021.2.2 (minimum), open the Unity Hub and create a new project using the Cinematic Studio Template. Note that the Cinematic Studio Template is not supported in Unity 2021.2.1.

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