Cartoon Rain & Blood Rain

BG Studio

Publisher BG Studio
File size 5.88MB
Number of files 32
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-07-25 09:12:25
First release date 2020-03-27 10:56:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package is a collection of rain particle systems with raindrop, ripple, bubble and splash effects. All rain particles support Wind Zone. There are 3 levels of rain prefab (Light Rain, Moderate Rain and Heavy Rain) in this package, each of which has a 'blood rain' version. You can just drag-n-drop one prefab into your scene to add the rain effect!

- 12 rain prefabs.
- 4 demo scenes.
- 4 textures for raindrop, ripple, bubble and splash.
- 1 'bad weather' skybox.

The demo scene is located in the folder "\Assets\Cartoon Rain & Blood Rain\Demo Scene".

This asset is independent and does not require other asset to work. But this package still provides 2 demo scenes to show how to work with the unity Standard Assets. So before testing 'demo scene 3' & 'demo scene 4', please import the unity Standard Assets. You can just import the 'Water' folder ('Standard Assets \ Environment \ Water').

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