Cartoon city -polygonal assets

Publisher Polygonal Assets
File size 5.70MB
Number of files 102
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-12-06 10:10:19
First release date 2022-12-06 10:10:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This package is simple and easy to use.

This package includes almost all kinds of city vehicles & buildings.

All vehicles, buildings, props, etc are game-ready assets

All models are in cartoon style.


  1. 15 different vehicles.
  2. 15 different buildings.
  3. bus stop
  4. street lamps
  5. traffic light
  6. traffic cone
  7. Fire hydrant
  8. garbage bin
  9. fence
  10. wall
  11. 2 different benchs
  12. 7 different trees


  • vehicles consist of separable wheels & other parts.
  • You can program easily as there are no complex meshes.

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