c21 Curved World

Publisher TwentyOneGames
File size 2.82MB
Number of files 91
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2023-09-05 08:25:15
First release date 2023-09-05 08:25:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

c21 Curved World Pack contains two shaders: Unlit Shader and TextMeshPro SDF Shader to create bending effects.

Use these shaders to achieve world bending effects in your games without creating actual bend meshes for every bend effect required in the game.

Bending effect can be achieved in five different ways as:

horizontal bending,

vertical bending,

X axis rotation bending,

Y axis rotation bending and

Z Axis rotation bending.

Or you can use them in combination to achieve different bending effects.

All curve values can be set through inspector fields or through code. All public fields and methods are explained in the documentation. Demo scenes are well set to understand how each bending effects works.

Shader bending effect is not mesh converter or manipulator tool. c21 Curved World shaders are pure vertex displacement shaders, and they does not convert a mesh into a real 3D curved mesh of any kind like spiral, twisted or any other geometric figures.

Shader bending is a very effective vertex displacement technique for creating a bending illusion of a mesh without modifying original and actual meshes. The curved effect is visible only inside the camera and does not change any game elements like mesh transforms, animations, physics.

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